Moolah Points offers the ability to provide Newly Subscribed Customers to your business with Welcome Points or Starting Points the moment they register for Customer Loyalty. You will have the ability to choose how many points the customers will earn when registering to your business.
- From the Moolah Points Back Office, select Outlet.
- Select the dropdown from the Outlet and choose Campaign.
- The Campaign List will be displayed.
- To Create a Welcome Points on Store Subscription Campaign, select Add Store Campaign.
- A new window will open.
- From the Campaign Type List, select Welcome Points on Store Subscription Campaign.
- Once Welcome Points on Store Subscription Campaign is selected, Campaign Effects will be displayed and eligible to be filled out.
- You can now input the amount of Points you want to offer New Customers when they Subscribe to Moolah Points Customer Loyalty in your business.
- Begin by providing a Campaign Name.
- Apply a description (information about what this sales campaign will be for) 10. Input the Points Value.
- Following the choice of your Welcome Points on Store Subscription Campaign, you also have the ability to set up Campaign Rules.
- Select, Schedule Date to create a Custom Date Range for the Campaign to run through.
- Skip over the Schedule Date if you wish to keep the Campaign Ongoing.
- You will have the option to also set Campaigns to only occur on specific days of the week.
- Select the days you wish the Campaign to occur on.
- If you would like the campaign to be everyday of the week, turn on the All Week Days slider.
- If you would like to target specific Customers or Customer Groups for a Welcome Points on Store Subscription Campaign, select the Customers or Customer Groups dropdowns.
- Select the Customer or Customer Group you wish to target the Welcome Points on Store Subscription Campaign towards.
- Select Save to create the Welcome Points on Store Subscription Campaign.